From Kid to Man (1 Viewer)


Full House
Feb 25, 2014
Reaction score
As mentioned in my recent raffle I put some money away for a mini poker fund.

Friend invited me to Foxwoods for the day, bought in small for $100 and ran it up after a 6 hour session, then went home.


Will continue to monitor my local games and casino games in this thread.

3 money making hands were all big blind specials

39off in the BB, 6 way limped pot. Flop A39. Player had AK UTG and gave away $100 to me.

82off in the BB. 4 way pot. Flop J82. UTG + 2 limped with QQ

AA in BB when someone shipped $85 preflop in the SB with A8cc.
Congrats on your run good! I love the Foxwoods/MGM tri-moon chips!

And just because more chip pron never hurts a thread...
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Reactions: gpc
Nice session!

From that pic, the Foxwoods chips look like they're getting pretty worn. Large nicks, rounding edges. Not sure if harvesting would be worthwhile.

In for $120 out for $520

Won two monster pots.

88 on a 866flop. Guy had 56

A4 dia vs 88 A8Qdd flop. Turn blank. River diamond

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