I'll chime in here since everything has finally been squared away on my end.
I had a designer (who shall remain nameless in public forum) draw up amazing Taj artwork. It was done to the T in line with the real chips (no pun intended). However, with the failure of the latest replica/tribute group buy, the designer respectfully requested that the artwork not be used for a large group buy, so not to cause any more trouble for the forum and our mods.
That being said, he is okay with individuals or small groups of a few people (to be done in private via PM among said small group) using the artwork to place their own orders. I have already gone ahead and begun that process of doing a personal order for myself. I wanted that to be out there so that in the future when I share the chips in pictures people don't think I went off and did it on my own in secret and left everyone out.
If anyone would like to go ahead and order these chips, contact me in a message and I will let you know who the designer is. You can then contact him for the artwork. Not sure if that's how it usually works, but I would rather you go direct through the designer and get the permission to use them and the artwork from him directly. Rather than me sharing the artwork willy-nilly with anyone who asks, which I don't feel comfortable doing, seeing as I'm not the one who did the work, so I feel I shouldn't share it just because I have it.
Best of luck to you all in getting some sort of community GB off the ground.