Giveaway Giveaway for CPC custom cash sample set + dealer button (1 Viewer)

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3 of a Kind
Jun 11, 2023
Reaction score
I’m very excited (and impatiently waiting) for my new CPC cash set that I recently ordered. To show my appreciation to PCF, I am running a giveaway to win a free full sample set ($0.25, $1, $5, $25, $100, $500, $1,000 + 80mm dealer button) that I will ship for free in CONUS to the winner of this giveaway.

The giveaway entry window will be open until midnight CT on December 31, 2024 and I’ll run the drawing once I receive my new chips and reveal how many entries each person won. This giveaway is open to CONUS (unless non-US entries wants to cover 100% of shipping costs). Anyone who has inside knowledge of these chips are disqualified from entry. Also, only one entry post per person and edited entry posts will automatically be disqualified. Feel free to add other posts as you wish but only one entry post per person is allowed. People that have already expressed interest in pre-buying a sample set that have already paid by the time of the drawing will have their payment refunded if they are the winner of this giveaway.

Everyone has a chance to win a maximum of 10 entries per person with 1 entry gained per successful response to the question list below. I will not post final answers until I receive my chips. Everyone is guaranteed at least one entry by simply posting something funny in their entry post. For questions 2-10, please list ONLY the answers in the same numbered format to make it easy for me to track.

Answer example format:
  1. Answer
  2. Answer

Entry Questions:
  1. Post anything funny - GIF, meme, joke, etc.
  2. What CPC mold am I using?
  3. What is the base color of the 25 cent frac?
  4. What inlay shape am I using on the $25 chip?
  5. Across the lineup only 1 dayglo color is used and it is a spot color. Which color is it?
  6. Across the lineup only 1 retro color is used and it is a spot color. Which color is it?
  7. 17 weighted colors are used across lineup. Out of the 7 weighted colors NOT used in the lineup, guess 1 color not used.
  8. Weighted color 2 not used
  9. Weighted color 3 not used
  10. Weighted color 4 not used

Mystery pre-sale thread can be found here with some very minor clues.
Thread 'CPC Sample Set Mystery Pre-Order + 80mm DB'

Good luck everyone!
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1. Why do poker players make terrible gardeners?
Because they can’t keep their hands off the pot!
2. Horse head
3. Light Blue
4. SCA
5. Day Glo Saturn
6. Retro Blue
7. Light Chocolate
8. Light Green
9. Chocolate
10. Red

Good luck with the set! I’m looking forward to seeing it!
Entry Questions:

  1. King Of The Hill Eating GIF
  2. Horsehead
  3. Pink
  4. 4 Points
  5. DG Tiger
  6. Retro Lavender
  7. Dark Blue
  8. Blurple
  9. Grey
  10. Lavender

2. Ewing
3. Yellow
4. SCA
5. DG Arc Yellow
6. Retro Red
7. purple
8. chocolate
9. light chocolate
10. maroon
  1. What's the difference between God and Phil Helmuth? God doesn't think he's Phil Helmuth.
  2. Ewing
  3. Tan
  4. 4 points
  5. Saturn
  6. Lavender
  7. Light green
  8. Purple
  9. Charcoal
  10. Gray
  1. What's the difference between God and Phil Helmuth? God doesn't think he's Phil Helmuth.
  2. Ewing
  3. Tan
  4. 4 points
  5. Saturn
  6. Lavender
  7. Light green
  8. Purple
  9. Charcoal
  10. Gray
Haha that joke is a good one!
Thanks for doing this! Look forward to see what you've made regardless!
  1. Beavis And Butthead Comedy GIF by Paramount+
  2. EWING
  3. Pink
  4. Scallop
  5. Dayglow Yellow
  6. Retro green
  7. Green
  8. Grey
  9. Light Blue
  10. Blurple
Couple days left to enter the giveaway. Remember, everyone gets an entry just for posting something funny. Extra entries for guessing the other questions.
I'm interested, but absolutely clueless to the answers....

  1. The other day, I dreamt I created a new color. When I woke up, I realized I had not as it was just a pigment of my imagination.
  2. Horsehead
  3. Green
  4. Circle
  5. Dayglo Pink
  6. Retro Green
  7. Pink
  8. Mandarin Red
  9. Chocolate
  10. Maroon
Who knows, maybe I got something more than my "anything funny". :)
Can't take the time to actually guess, so I'll just copy off the others...

2. Ewing
3. Pink
4. Scallop
5. Peacock
6. Lavender
7. Light Chocolate
8. Grey
9. Charcoal
10. Maroon

Bonus funny, just because a cookie monster gif on a ChipMonster thread is somehow apt...

...because that is the face Chipmonster will make when his set arrives...
Can't take the time to actually guess, so I'll just copy off the others...
1.View attachment 1440351
2. Ewing
3. Pink
4. Scallop
5. Peacock
6. Lavender
7. Light Chocolate
8. Grey
9. Charcoal
10. Maroon

Bonus funny, just because a cookie monster gif on a ChipMonster thread is somehow apt...
View attachment 1440354
...because that is the face Chipmonster will make when his set arrives...
I find myself making that expression often! Haha
For full transparency, I will be using this site ( to run the drawing so everyone is able to view the results live. I’ll set this up in the coming weeks and post in this thread how many entries everyone received well before I receive my chips.

My mystery sample set pre-sales are all sold out for the extras I ordered so this is now the only other way to get your hands on a sample set!
Ok everyone, Happy New Year!! I set up the drawing for noon central time on January 5th. Please check the link below for the drawing detail.

Entries below and ticket numbers assigned in order of thread post with correct responses (10 participants with 26 total entries).

  1. @Flopalopagus
  2. @Flopalopagus
  3. @Flopalopagus
  4. @200 Motels
  5. @200 Motels
  6. @CallingStation614
  7. @CallingStation614
  8. @chippitydoodah
  9. @softchewy
  10. @softchewy
  11. @Crash33
  12. @Crash33
  13. @Crash33
  14. @Cratty
  15. @Cratty
  16. @Cratty
  17. @harrysallout
  18. @harrysallout
  19. @harrysallout
  20. @harrysallout
  21. @Mrs Poker Zombie
  22. @Mrs Poker Zombie
  23. @Mrs Poker Zombie
  24. @Mrs Poker Zombie
  25. @Poker Zombie
  26. @Poker Zombie

For reference, correct responses are below.

  1. Free entry for funny post
  2. B Mold
  3. Light Chocolate
  4. Hub
  5. Dayglo Pink
  6. Retro Lavender
  7. 7-10 possible answers: red, light blue, green, dark green, butterscotch, pink, chocolate
Thanks for playing everyone and good luck!!
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Please verify your answers and let me know asap if you see any discrepancies so I can fix before the drawing if needed.
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