Wanted Grand Victoria's Wanted (1 Viewer)

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High Hand
Jan 9, 2016
Reaction score
I am searching for Grand Victoria Paulson mint primaries or secondaries to complete a set and need a few barrels to fill out some empty rack space.

Please Reply or PM if you have any GV barrels or even a single rack available for sale and the selling $$.....

10 x $25 chips (found 50 and need at least 10 more)
40 x $100 chips (trying to fill at least 2 barrels)
40 x $500 chips (any - top dollar paid)

PayPal F&F preferred and will naturally pay any fees and shipping within CONUS.

Thank you!
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Hi! Do you currently have $100 and $500 prim and secondary chips? Would you be interested in trading? My 100s and 500's are roughly split 50/50 prim/sec, and I'd love to have them be all one or the other. Maybe we could work something out? PM me if interested! :) thanks!!
Hi @TheJestyr

Unfortunately I only have 60 X $100 secondaries and no primaries and 1 X $500 casino used, hence the need to add the secondaries and added $500 of any minty sort. If I come across them I will keep you in mind...
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