Wanted Green Baccarat Oversized Chips (1 Viewer)

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Full House
May 18, 2015
Reaction score
New Hampshire
I just need a small amount of any shown below. All are green in color and oversized 43mm (I assume all of them are oversized). I already got a bunch of Dunes.

caesars20_Tahoe.jpg caesars20b.jpg LVHilton20.jpg LVHilton20B.jpg MGM25.jpg
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Oversized $20, but not $100?

Chances are they won't get into play, however I wanted a Tropicana chip and they are only regular size. (I was going to do Dunes baccarat for the 100's but needed the Tropicana in there somewhere (y) :thumbsup:
With your quarter and $0.50, I like the Flamingo $1, Mirage $5, and Caesar's $20. $0.02

Depends on the blinds .... the quarters and 50c chips will not be on the table at the same time (one or the other)
Chances are they won't get into play, however I wanted a Tropicana chip and they are only regular size. (I was going to do Dunes baccarat for the 100's but needed the Tropicana in there somewhere (y) :thumbsup:

So I totally misread your post ..... like UpNDown said, I will have all those casino chips in play. Majority of the set are the Flamingos, Mirage, and Dunes, with a bunch of the others mixed in here and there to make it interesting........ also I wanted to include all of the casinos I have stayed at in the past, so that required getting Excalibur, Ballys and Luxor (not shown $5) in the mix. Casinos like Riviera, Caesars, Dunes, and Trop I haven't stayed at but are classic Vegas icons :)
for $2000-$2500, I don't think they would care if you took the chips that cost them $200.

I am totally "punch drunk" by the 43mm #}%rdwalk cancelled group buy, so the option of $20 face valued, live Paulson oversized chips is very appealing to me. I want to be like those French guys who spend thousands of dollars or euros on giant live casino sets.
I am totally "punch drunk" by the 43mm #}%rdwalk cancelled group buy, so the option of $20 face valued, live Paulson oversized chips is very appealing to me. I want to be like those French guys who spend thousands of dollars or euros on giant live casino sets.
They are awesome. And you don't have to spend thousands. There are a few of us here with racks of these. I'd think there would be more, but not everybody loves mixed sets, and an all dunes set WOULD cost you thousands. Though those exist too. But yeah, oversized Paulsons are the nuts - look how expensive the recently released Horseshoe oversized chips got.
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