Welcome! Looking forward to the updates on your table and custom set adventures!
About two weeks ago I read a thread made by a user named Irish(?) and him creating a mini racetrack table...that thread is literally the straw that broke the camel's back for me. Lucky for me it was a Friday and I had the day off from work. Never knew a table that gorgeous would be made at home with basic tools. No BS:
10am - Seen the mini racetrack thread
10:30 - Achievement Unlocked - Pokeritis. Rented a u-Haul to head to HD
12:30pm - Got back with 4 plywood sheets, Bosch router set with upcut bit, glaze coat, ebony stain and jigsaw blades for a plan B since my plan A involved using the router and I've never powered on a router in my entire existence
4:00pm - Top rail, bottom rail, racetrack, playing surface and about 80 riser blocks from the corner pieces and extra plywood I had lying around were completed and put to the side. I wish I had that router compass that Irish had. I made all my measurements before I made the arc cuts just to ensure I wouldn't screw anything up then made a router jig out of 1/8" hardboard via Youtube. Strange looks from family and random people on the street - did everything in my driveway. Zero focks given.
4:45 - Channel routed in racetrack for the soon to come acrylic.
Everything went in the garage. Ordered a kit from YAT and 10 MoP circles from a site based in NC iirc that same night, both came in Tuesday morning.
This is it so far
NEVER performed any type of poker table construction in my life. Just being a devout follower of the ancient art of following directions and having a bit of math under my belt and the first phase was done.
Big-BIG, no wait, HUUUUGE shoutout to Irish, for without that man my little table adventure probably wouldn't have happened, at least not two weeks ago. I didn't want to literally copy the man's work but he was the only teacher I had as well as his directions. I hope he reads this somehow; I can't thank him enough.
Attached pics show where I currently am with the table. My sister is fantastic with the upholstery and finessed the top rail for me. No pics of that yet but I hope to have a pic soon of everything assembled. Legs will be next of course.
I'm probably crazy at this point, but crazy feels good.