Number assignments (sorted by number and then by PCF ID) are below and here is a link to the Ohio Pick 4 Lottery:
We will use the EVENING drawing tomorrow (June 6, 2016) to pick the winner. Sorry I didn't specify this earlier - I didn't realize they had two drawings/day. A hearty THANK YOU to everyone, especially
@H|Q for doing this and GOOD LUCK!
Sorted by Number
links_slayer: 0000 - 0262
JFCJ: 0263 - 0525
LabMonkey: 0526 - 0788
justsomedude: 0789 - 1051
Leonard: 1052 - 1314
MillyS: 1315 - 1577
JFCJ: 1578 - 1840
LabMonkey: 1841 - 2103
Forest@Farmington: 2104 - 2366
LabMonkey: 2367 - 2629
BGinGA: 2630 - 2892
Leonard: 2893 - 3155
BGinGA: 3156 - 3418
links_slayer: 3419 - 3681
Leonard: 3682 - 3944
Golom: 3945 - 4207
LabMonkey: 4208 - 4470
MillyS: 4471 - 4733
LabMonkey: 4734 - 4996
LabMonkey: 4997 - 5259
GenghisKhan: 5260 - 5522
LabMonkey: 5523 - 5785
LabMonkey: 5786 - 6048
links_slayer: 6049 - 6311
JFCJ: 6312 - 6574
BGinGA: 6575 - 6837
JFCJ: 6838 - 7100
links_slayer: 7101 - 7363
Leonard: 7364 - 7626
Leonard: 7627 - 7889
justsomedude: 7890 - 8152
LabMonkey: 8153 - 8415
LabMonkey: 8416 - 8678
Forest@Farmington: 8679 - 8941
AllinBallin: 8942 - 9204
BGinGA: 9205 - 9467
links_slayer: 9468 - 9730
GenghisKhan: 9731 - 9993
Sorted by PCF ID
AllinBallin: 8942 - 9204
BGinGA: 2630 - 2892
BGinGA: 3156 - 3418
BGinGA: 6575 - 6837
BGinGA: 9205 - 9467
Forest@Farmington: 2104 - 2366
Forest@Farmington: 8679 - 8941
GenghisKhan: 5260 - 5522
GenghisKhan: 9731 - 9993
Golom: 3945 - 4207
JFCJ: 0263 - 0525
JFCJ: 1578 - 1840
JFCJ: 6312 - 6574
JFCJ: 6838 - 7100
justsomedude: 0789 - 1051
justsomedude: 7890 - 8152
LabMonkey: 0526 - 0788
LabMonkey: 1841 - 2103
LabMonkey: 2367 - 2629
LabMonkey: 4208 - 4470
LabMonkey: 4734 - 4996
LabMonkey: 4997 - 5259
LabMonkey: 5523 - 5785
LabMonkey: 5786 - 6048
LabMonkey: 8153 - 8415
LabMonkey: 8416 - 8678
Leonard: 1052 - 1314
Leonard: 2893 - 3155
Leonard: 3682 - 3944
Leonard: 7364 - 7626
Leonard: 7627 - 7889
links_slayer: 0000 - 0262
links_slayer: 3419 - 3681
links_slayer: 6049 - 6311
links_slayer: 7101 - 7363
links_slayer: 9468 - 9730
MillyS: 1315 - 1577
MillyS: 4471 - 4733