Hi there, discovered this forum whilst researching new poker chips as i am intending to upgrade my poker chip collection. Was delighted to see such detailed analysis by users on here and has already been very helpful in identifying potential chips for my new set.
I am getting back into the hobby after being a very casual home game tournament player at college with friends. now i've hit my 30s i'm having one of those crisis people talk about and well, i foresee spending a lot on poker chips in my near future being mine.
hope to speak to you all further. I am eyeing up the tina Aria ceramics that are widely talked about on here but like many have seen the eyewatering amount on shipping so would like to find others to potentially split the cost with.
I've always had 14g 'slugged plastic' chips as they seem to be described as on here so am ideally looking to find some samples from tina first before pulling the trigger. @Accrualgame i need to hit my post count before i can DM but i see you are looking for others...!!
@sweetpotatofishing noticed you also were looking - i could be in market shortly
I am getting back into the hobby after being a very casual home game tournament player at college with friends. now i've hit my 30s i'm having one of those crisis people talk about and well, i foresee spending a lot on poker chips in my near future being mine.
hope to speak to you all further. I am eyeing up the tina Aria ceramics that are widely talked about on here but like many have seen the eyewatering amount on shipping so would like to find others to potentially split the cost with.
I've always had 14g 'slugged plastic' chips as they seem to be described as on here so am ideally looking to find some samples from tina first before pulling the trigger. @Accrualgame i need to hit my post count before i can DM but i see you are looking for others...!!
@sweetpotatofishing noticed you also were looking - i could be in market shortly