Canceled High Denom Crystal Parks ...won't see this again. (1 Viewer)

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Apr 3, 2013
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Pacific NW
Rating - 100%
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Well, unlikely you'll see a set like this for a long time I'd guess. Those of you who remember me from the CT hay days, will recall me posting up things like, "Ahh, my kid doesn't need a college fund." Well that rooster has come to roost. :) I'm in no way shape or form desperate to sell any of these. But it's probably time to think about it.

When was the last time you saw any more than one or two of the upper denom chips for sale, let alone racks!?! Might be your shot at owning a bit of history. :) I've LOVED playing with a true oversized Paulson and it pains me to put these up for sale. Some are super clean, others need cleaning. Most are in good shape. Sorry, not sorting them. Come with racks.

$25 x 200 - cost $7.50 each
$100 x 344 - cost $10 each -- ALL SAME type -- see pics
$500 x 55 - cost $26 each (most near mint)
$1,000 x 224 - cost $25 each (most need a cleaning) **TWO DIFFERENT TYPES** but honestly I've always played with them mixed and nobody has EVER said a thing.

"Blue Spot" Version of $1,000K -- have 102



"Green Spot" Version of $1,000K -- have 122


One of THE MOST SIC chips of all time. $500


Certainly I'm most interested in selling to those who want barrels or racks. Please don't ask for samples of each...maybe it will come to that, but not going to do that until maybe the bitter end depending on how this goes. I'm just trying to keep shipping # of packages as low as possible. Shipping & Insurance paid by buyer. Mandatory Insurance. Thank you.

Again, I know some are interested in which type of $100's, $500's & $1,000's I have. Some of each. I'll try to get those specifics up by 10pm PST tomorrow night.

Oh, and I USED to have a few lower denom chips but sold all those a few years ago including some cool Motor City quarters you can see waaaay at the end of this pic. Again I DO NOT HAVE any of the lower denom chips $20-.25.

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You are a sick man, Shannon! Sorry to see them go as well...

A raffle to keep them all together is not an all together bad idea... You know, just to keep them in Western Washington. :)
This set is so big and valuable that finding a new owner without splitting may be a challenge. Selling enough raffle tickets to satisfy the seller could be a challenge too. A possible strategy for getting this done includes a split Raffle and sale by the barrel/rack.

Peel off a one or two table T10K tournament set with color and sell the rest straight up.
This set is so big and valuable that finding a new owner without splitting may be a challenge. Selling enough raffle tickets to satisfy the seller could be a challenge too. A possible strategy for getting this done includes a split Raffle and sale by the barrel/rack.

Peel off a one or two table T10K tournament set with color and sell the rest straight up.

I believe he can easily sell 100 tickets for this set, certainly if he splits it into two sets.
I believe he can easily sell 100 tickets for this set, certainly if he splits it into two sets.

For the whole set? You’re talking about $100 tickets each likely by my very rough math, and by very rough math I mean I only calculated the 500+1000 chips being worth north of 6.5k
At $100 apiece?
I'm watching with genuine curiosity.

For a set of this magnitude and with so many high denom chips in it? It won’t happen overnight, but com’on guys... what happened to your sense of overchipping beyond our needs! :D:ROFL: :ROFLMAO:
Tickets for a raffle would be more like $125 apiece. This would be pretty much at the top of my personal "dream set of evar" list and even I'm out for that.

2 single-table 500-chip sets of 200-160-40-100 with $60 tickets each (and 80x $100 to be sold separately) MIGHT work. :cautious:

U-dub, I love this set. It's hard to move a $3k set around here anymore, much less a $12k+ set. I'm afraid most of the big spenders of the old days have left the building. :oops:
Wow...I love the creative ideas to keep these together or at worst 2 sets. I just got home from a long day & will try to up date things. Right away I know my count on $25's is off. Oppps, sold off 1/2 of them some time ago. I only have 200 x $25. If all goes well,l I'll have pics & exact totals. Nothing more would thrill me than to see this once in a lifetime set not be blow apart into a million pieces. Thank you all for your patience. I'm open to creative ideas as long as I don't lose $ in the end.
Fortunately I've been able to manage the super high cost of my kid's college education otherwise and will no longer have these for sale. Truth be told I didn't want to sell them -- too so long to get them together. Best of luck everyone.
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