It's about time I head back to the U.K. I've not been back for a long time. My wife, daughter and I are coming to invade March17th-ish to April 5th-ish 2024. We are going to land at LHR and spend a couple days with family in Portsmouth, then take the train up to Edinburgh where we will spend the next 2 weeks around Scotland. I am wanting to visit Edinburgh (Royal Mile, Castle, etc), Falkirk, Bannockburn, Stirling, St. Andrews, Aberdeen, Oban, Ft.William, Mallaig, Glasgow, Orkney's, etc. I'd LOVE to pop in and play 1 or 2 nights of poker if at all possible. Do any of you Scottish folks, have ideas of what I NEED to see? What to avoid? Is it worth renting a car for 2 weeks while I'm there or can I train everywhere? More questions to be asked later! TIA!