Horseshoe Cleveland Odds and Ends
Here are some odd lots of Horseshoe Cleveland chips. All prices include postage in the USA.
46 x $25 Secondary - $40 for the lot, shipped - Sold
21 x $100 Secondary - $35 for the lot, shipped - Sold
20 x $5 Primary, casino used - $13 for the lot, shipped - Sold
Primary chip lot (7 x $1, 4 x $25, 2 x $100, 1 x $500, 2 x $2.50[I know, not primary but deal with it]) - $20 for the lot, shipped - Sold
1 x Primary $5000 - Casino abused. Look at the picture. Somebody had a case of the Mondays when they were rack checking. Still very playable. Sold to me at full aftermarket price, I won’t do that to you - $8, shipped - Sold
Payment via Paypal (friends/family or you pay fees). Respond here and PM if you're interested.
Thanks for looking!
Here are some odd lots of Horseshoe Cleveland chips. All prices include postage in the USA.
46 x $25 Secondary - $40 for the lot, shipped - Sold
21 x $100 Secondary - $35 for the lot, shipped - Sold
20 x $5 Primary, casino used - $13 for the lot, shipped - Sold
Primary chip lot (7 x $1, 4 x $25, 2 x $100, 1 x $500, 2 x $2.50[I know, not primary but deal with it]) - $20 for the lot, shipped - Sold
1 x Primary $5000 - Casino abused. Look at the picture. Somebody had a case of the Mondays when they were rack checking. Still very playable. Sold to me at full aftermarket price, I won’t do that to you - $8, shipped - Sold
Payment via Paypal (friends/family or you pay fees). Respond here and PM if you're interested.
Thanks for looking!
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