Wanted Horseshoe Cleveland samples ($1,000 Primary) (1 Viewer)

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Jan 25, 2017
Reaction score
Club Hel, Downtown Megacity
I'm trying to get some samples as reference for a custom chip project.

Of course there's good photos of all the chips readily available, but I'd really prefer to have real samples of all the designs I consider using.

The Chip Exchange still had stock of all the Cincinnati chips I needed, but no Clevelands.
Gear is offering some Cleveland $25 secondaries (and earlier had $500s too) but only sells by the barrel which makes it a no thanks for me.
eBay doesn't show anything but the common low denoms either, or stuff with int'l shipping only via GSP which is ridiculously expensive for single chips.

So I'm asking here -- maybe I get lucky and someone has an odd amount of spares left. I really am only looking for one of each chip, no full barrels or racks.

Checklist of what I need:
  • [✔] Cleveland $5
  • [✔] Cleveland $25 Primary
  • [✔] Cleveland $25 Secondary
  • [✔] Cleveland $100 Primary
  • [✔] Cleveland $500 Primary
  • [✔] Cleveland $500 Secondary
  • [ ] Cleveland $1,000 Primary
  • [✔] Cleveland $25,000 Primary
  • [✔] Cincinnati $1
  • [✔] Cincinnati $5
  • [✔] Cincinnati $25 Primary
  • [✔] Cincinnati $100 Secondary
  • [✔] Cincinnati $500 Secondary
  • [✔] Cincinnati $1,000 Primary
  • [✔] Cincinnati $1,000 Secondary
  • [✔] Cincinnati $5,000 Primary
  • [✔] Cincinnati $25,000 Primary

I don't know what the current going prices are for the Cleveland chips, so I'll start by offering the respective Cincinnati prices, but I am open for alternate suggestions.

(Copied from Chip Exchange's selling thread: $1,000 Primary=$20)
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I'll check my spares box tonight for the 25 and 500. The 1k and 25k are gorgeous but tough to come by.

Have had three people now for the $1,000 who just stopped answering any PMs after a while but before the deal is done.
What the hell. Either do or don't.
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