SOLD Horseshoe Cleveland (1 Viewer)

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Full House
Dec 29, 2014
Reaction score
Rochester, NY
Rating - 100%
15   0   0
1,400 chips $1,100 plus shipping. Racks not included


Casino used $1’s are THC $25’s are RHC
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Should add that if buyer wants a few racks of $5’s we can probably work something out.
Great turnkey Paulson THC limit set for less than $1/chip... gotta be a no-brainer decision for somebody. GLWS!
Not a big fan of bumping threads but this was 10 pages down. Don’t think it’s not selling due to pricing as these chips have sold for more in the past two weeks. Not opposed to splitting if that’s what’s needed. I see interest in part so let’s get the other part taken care of.
Great price for a fantastic THC limit set, I'm really shocked this is still here. I have a rack of these $1s in my mixed limit set and they're one of my favorites.
They look cleaned.... are They?
They were cleaned years ago. Have probably used them a dozen times after.

I will admit there are a few that were really abused. Think someone took a sharpie to the hats of one.
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Ill definitely take one. If you need me to take the second rack to finish the sale I’ll be good with taking 2
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