Horseshoe Secondary Tournament Set - Cleveland vs Cincinnati (1 Viewer)

Which Horseshoe Secondary Tourney Set do you like better? ($25, $100, $500, $1k, $5k, $25k)

  • Cleveland

    Votes: 42 65.6%
  • Cincinnati

    Votes: 18 28.1%
  • Like (or Dislike) them equally

    Votes: 4 6.3%

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4 of a Kind
Jan 29, 2015
Reaction score
New York
So... which Secondary Horseshoe Tournament set do you prefer overall.

(Using your pr0n Tommy, if you don't mind)




Image 1 & 2 from pr0n of hdgeno (can remove if desired)



Images from The Chip Exchange
Feel free to post your reasoning for which set you prefer as well as favorite overall chip (y) :thumbsup:
I voted for Cleveland mainly because of the edge spots + darker color of the Cincinnati $500 may resemble the $100 in low light, at least for my terrible eyes.

Favorite overall chip is the Cincy $5k. It's not the fanciest, but I like the colors.
The $25 is the only Cincinnati chip I prefer over the Cleveland version. The $100 are a wash, pretty much equal.

The Cleveland set really shines with the $1k & $5k chips IMO. The spots are more advanced and interesting.
I prefer Clevelands
My fav lineup:
25 cleve
100 cinc
500 cleve
1k cleve
5k cleve
25k cleve

I prefer 1k, 5k and 25k cleveland primary to the secondaries though.
I chose the Cleveland as I prefer the color combos overall, and think they flow together better than the Cincy set.. also prefer the Cleveland inlay with the more pronounced horseshoe and easier to see denoms (though not a huge factor)... like the edgespots of both sets.
Favorite chip is tough, it's one of the Clevelands, but depends on the day - today it's the $5k with the $500 a very close 2nd.. really like every chip in the Cleveland set as well as the overall progression.

$25 - tie
$100 - tie
$500 - Cleveland
$1k - Cleveland
$5k - Cleveland
$25k - Cleveland
I might be biased because I used the Cincy chips so much when they were live, but...I like Cleveland WAY better. Only exception is the quarters. I prefer the lime green to the darker Cleveland quarters. My favorite between both sets is easy: Cleveland primary $500. Just recently oiled the few I have and they are absolutely gorgeous!
Cleveland for me and it's not even close. Love the spots,colors, and inlays more on every single chip.
Gotta go with Cleveland as a set but the Cincinnati 5k's are probably my favorite overall

The 5ks are absolutely ridiculously pretty. I wish the 1ks were half as awesome. That's why I have to go with Cleveland for the tourney set. Good luck with whatever you buy!
The 5ks are absolutely ridiculously pretty. I wish the 1ks were half as awesome. That's why I have to go with Cleveland for the tourney set. Good luck with whatever you buy!
I own a Cleveland secondary tournament set and I am very happy with it!
The cleveland secondary $500 looks like it owns many leatherbound books and it's racks smell of rich mahogany. And it compliments the $100 and $1000 much better than it's Cincinnati counterpart.
The cleveland secondary $500 looks like it owns many leatherbound books and it's racks smell of rich mahogany. And it compliments the $100 and $1000 much better than it's Cincinnati counterpart.

^^^^ That! And it complements the hundos even better!
I gotta go against the grain here:

$25 - Cincy by a million miles
$100 - Cincy (only very slightly, obviously)
$500 - Cincy
$1000 - push
$5000 - Cleveland
$25k - Cincy

I'm also a weirdo in that I think Cincy $1 >>>>>>> Cleveland $1, and Cleveland $5 >>>>>>> Cincy $5, both of which are against the consensus, I think.

Overall winner: Cincy, easily. They're both really really nice sets though. Would I pay the asking price (even the Chiproom presale price) for either one of them? HELL no! :eek: CPC 4 lyfe. :cool:
Cincinnati wins hands down on 25-500, Cleveland way better on larger 1k-25k. If you like bright colored chips Cincinnati is the way to go. I have sets fro both and considered selling the Cleveland set after getting the cincinatti's... the 25-500s are so nice.... but those sweet 500 and 1k secondaries from Cleveland are just too awesome to let go!
I'm obviously biased (and haven't seen the Cleveland's in person) but I prefer the Cinncy chips. The secondary Cleveland $500 is a beautiful chip, but for every other denom I like the Cinncy chips
I've still yet to see someone post a set of Cincys that includes 1K and 5k chips...

That tells you a good bit. Cleveland by Les Miles for the 1K - 25K and it aint even close.
My preferences:

$25 - Cincinnati
$100 - Cincinnati (but admittedly close)
$500 - Cleveland
$1000 - Cleveland (primary is better than secondary imo)
$5000 - Cleveland
$25000 - Cleveland

Four out of six dentists prefer Cleveland.
For the 39 mm i prefer Clev for the 43 mm i prefer Cinci, and i think the Cinci $1000 sec is the best of the bunch
I've still yet to see someone post a set of Cincys that includes 1K and 5k chips...

That tells you a good bit. Cleveland by Les Miles for the 1K - 25K and it aint even close.

I've got a set with 30 primary 1ks but haven't been able to get time to get pics. Hopefully soon.
$1 Cincinnati
$5 Cincinnati
$25 Cincinnati
$100 Cincinnati
$500 Cleveland
$1,000 Cleveland
$5,000 Cincinnati
$25,000 Cincinnati
I've still yet to see someone post a set of Cincys that includes 1K and 5k chips...

That tells you a good bit. Cleveland by Les Miles for the 1K - 25K and it aint even close.

That or we are just poor lol
$1 Cinn
$5 draw

on to secondary

$25 Draw
$100 Cinn
$500 Cleveland (This is close)
$1000 Cleveland
$5000 Cleveland ( I do not see the attraction to the Cinn 5K, but I haven't seen it live)
$25000 Cleveland primary (it's just the best)
The primary Cincy tourney set, a couple posts above, looks really good. All the chips seem underrated; especially the 100's but especially the 500's.
The primary Cincy tourney set, a couple posts above, looks really good. All the chips seem underrated; especially the 100's but especially the 500's.

The more I look at them the more I like them.l better than the Cleve chips. The primary 500 looks great in stacks and racked up in person and is my favorite of all of the Cleveland and Cincy chips.
I am biased cincy wins


  • 20170115_182457.jpg
    107.6 KB · Views: 205
here are some comparison pics for you. at the end of the day they are both great sets, I think the 1k secondary Cleveland is my favorite of all of them. they are both so cool, I had to get a set of both!!


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