Found Hotstamped Nevada 50c (1 Viewer)

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Royal Flush
Jun 2, 2018
Reaction score
Bay Area
Looking for 80-100 hotstamped Nevada 50 cent chips. Paulson THC.

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Silver Star? Joe's Longhorn? Riviera? - I'll take any of those or others!
All I can find are Virgin River HS quarters and Horseshoe HS quarters so far for Vegas chips.
I only got one rack of Fitzgerald 50C unfortunately. I found one rack of Silver City dimes but those are
non-existent I dont know if Id ever sell them.
Also found some Reno Hilton and Commerce HS quarters. These are all like unicorns to me and in the vault sorry.
I guess I sold the extra rack of burple Cactus J 50C chips. I thought I had two still. I should have bought 20 racks of
those to resell when they were first flying off the shelves way back when.

I have some other duplicate 50 inlay pink chips but not Vegas Id sell if you get to that point.
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