Warning - I didn't record the data for this hand, so it's going to be fuzzy! Everything is estimates etc.
8-handed freeze-out. 5 people left, hero is 2nd in chips pretty close to a tie with 3rd, 1 huge stack, 1 with a chip and a chair, and 1 with small stack.
Hero is on BB. UTG (2nd in chips) folds, CO (chip and chair) folds, buttons min-raises, SB calls. Hero looks down at AKo. Raises to ~4x BB. Button re-pops to ~8x BB. SB folds. Hero shoves with ~15x BB total. Button asks for a count but states "he's calling". He knows hero's been playing nitty, and hero knows he's pretty LAG. Button turns over 66. Flop, turn, river, nadda on the coin flip, hero busts 5th.
My reasoning was, he could be making that play with a smaller A, and worst-case I'm flipping.
In my mind, it was a pivotal moment - I either shove hoping for a fold or a suck-out/flip-win and go deep with those chips, or fold and pretty much fold everything to limp into the money. And fold AK pre-flop...against this LAG...not sure I could ever pull the trigger on that. BUT...he did re-raise my raise...so maybe it kind of would have made some sense? 1-3 pays in this tournament. I guess I could call his 4x BB raise and pray for an A or K?
8-handed freeze-out. 5 people left, hero is 2nd in chips pretty close to a tie with 3rd, 1 huge stack, 1 with a chip and a chair, and 1 with small stack.
Hero is on BB. UTG (2nd in chips) folds, CO (chip and chair) folds, buttons min-raises, SB calls. Hero looks down at AKo. Raises to ~4x BB. Button re-pops to ~8x BB. SB folds. Hero shoves with ~15x BB total. Button asks for a count but states "he's calling". He knows hero's been playing nitty, and hero knows he's pretty LAG. Button turns over 66. Flop, turn, river, nadda on the coin flip, hero busts 5th.
My reasoning was, he could be making that play with a smaller A, and worst-case I'm flipping.
In my mind, it was a pivotal moment - I either shove hoping for a fold or a suck-out/flip-win and go deep with those chips, or fold and pretty much fold everything to limp into the money. And fold AK pre-flop...against this LAG...not sure I could ever pull the trigger on that. BUT...he did re-raise my raise...so maybe it kind of would have made some sense? 1-3 pays in this tournament. I guess I could call his 4x BB raise and pray for an A or K?
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