The type of router bit many people use is a bottom-cleaning bit, & the size I use for standard Paulson
THC chips is 7/8". For these bits you usually either need to go to woodworker's shop or mail order them - I just
Amazon'd them.
The drill press you can get at any hardware store. I'd recommend against the entry level Ryobi model at Home Depot, though. A lot of people love the 6amp motor for the pricepoint, but you don't need 6 amps to scrape clay/plastic - the more standard 3 amp motor will do just fine for you. You do *not* need a standing drill press - a table/bench model should work just fine.
There's some pictures in this link that show the press/bit. It also has a good picture of the jig he's created to help center the chips. Additionally, you'll need another piece of wood - scrap or otherwise - to hold the chip in place while the press is in action (which can also be seen in the pictures).
To judge the results, here's the results of some milled chips pre-labeling...
And here's some after labeling...