SOLD HS Cleveland Casino - 300x Cash Game Set (1 Viewer)

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Dec 9, 2017
Reaction score
Vevey - Switzerland
Rating - 100%
21   0   0
Paulson HS 300x - 2.jpg
I sell:

300 x HS (Cash Game Set!) [160 x 1$ ; 80 x 5$ ; 50 x 25 $ ; 10 x 100 $ ]

Used chips but in still Nice used condition. Shipping 60 euros. (Swiss post -Tracking number)

330 dollars ( shipping included!!!!)


Paulson HS 300x - 1.jpg Paulson HS 300x - 2.jpg Paulson HS 300x - 6.jpg
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Thank you Bemtax. I just discover a bit the way it works. Im impatient also:(:(

Its nice to explain a vit how its works. Thank you realy.(y) :thumbsup:
So are you selling them here or eBay... your Pushing pretty hard on both sites... I have expressed interest on both but really can't get a straight answer... let me know...Pm me with Exactly How Much $ want for the set Shipped or just the $1's Shipped... I would like all the $1's you show to have 200 all together on eBay....
i sell them here before...but if someone bid on the eBay site...i will cancel this offer here on PCF.

I would like the buyer come from HERE! because i will be sure he will be a "Chipster" and take good care of the chips ;)


PS. Sorry for my english
I want a rack of ones and a barrel of 5s. Anybody want the rest, to be split upon arrival in the USA?
Just the shipping for 1 rack is more than 60 dollars thats why i sell a Set. To minimize the fees for the buyers.

I can sell u 1 rack of 1$ and 20 x 5$, for 150 dollars (shipping included). PP friend.
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