I imagine he had a large sack next to the table and was very clumsy that evening.How hard was it to harvest that many.
Sweet, and I know the harvesting was a challenge.
IMO, these go really, really well with PCA $5s. A match made in heaven. The challenge is the $20s/$25s, IMO. I'd really like to use the Outpost $20s, but they have the same shaped inlay as the PCA $5s.
Looking forward to seeing how the mixed set ends up...
....But the fracs I'm pairing them with is a match made in heaven!....
How hard was it to harvest that many.
Sweet, and I know the harvesting was a challenge.
I imagine he had a large sack next to the table and was very clumsy that evening.
"Oops I knocked more of those gorgeous ones into my floor sack... oh well, I will get them later..."
These are nice. How did you get them? Last time I was there the said I could only get 5 chips.
So what you are saying it that you DID have a "chip sack"Harvesting them wasn't easy, but it's possible. I just hopped from table game to table game buying in for $20, playing one hand for $11 ($10 wager on BJ with $1 tip, or $5/5/5 on let it ride with $1 bonus, or betting 11 roulette squares) then I'd cash out and hop to the next table with the 4 $1s in my pocket and do it again... Over and over and over. When my pocket looked ridiculous (about 40 chips or so) I'd head over to the bathroom and transfer the chips into my bag (a small travel sling). I also got several from waitresses by asking for a drink and paying with a $5 and asking for 4 chips back (watch out for the girls with stacks of $1 bills on their trays though). It took me about 4 hours per rack plus however much I lost on the tables. You can also get them slowly from the Craps tables. It's a grind, but well worth it IMO. These are the best $1s out there for my tastes. It ended up costing me over $2 per chip (plus 7 or 8 hours of my time) and I don't think I got particularly unlucky on the tables. I'd say I ran pretty average.
So what you are saying it that you DID have a "chip sack"
As long as they're not the Blue Chip quarters. Tried them, since the colors are great, but the spot progression just didn't work...
The pit boss also watches you like a hawk.
I would usually ask for $10 in $1's to use as Tips at the table. Play couple of hands to get up and move to the other table.
Those are really nice! What is the average condition of these chips?
Curious about your other choices for your mixed set...
Those are really nice! What is the average condition of these chips?
Curious about your other choices for your mixed set...
He has stated what the $5 chips is another thread if you are in the mood to hunt
Found it....Golden Eagle $5's?He has stated what the $5 chips is another thread if you are in the mood to hunt
It's been almost 48 hours... post the pr0n of the set already!!!! y) :thumbsupy) :thumbsup:
Excited to see this one...
Mixed Paulsons, MD-50 customs, and E&C customs all at the same time. Whew.I didn't have the $5s yet... however, today was a pretty good mail day. Pics coming soon!
I also unexpectedly got my MD-50 customs today, and a new camera and lenses in the mail...