Tourney I get to pick our Main Event seating - Help me strategize! (1 Viewer)


High Hand
Jul 5, 2022
Reaction score
Manitoba, Canada
Since I came 1st overall throughout the season, I get to pick the Main Event Table Seating for everyone!

I understand I want the stronger players to my right, but is there any other considerations I should make? Or do I effectively just do 1st 2nd 3rd 4th etc... going to my right.

Thoughts? Never had the opportunity to pick seating and wanted some experienced advice!
I think instead of just strong vs weak players, you should also try categorise them in terms of aggressiveness as well. All the aggro players should be on your right so you can see what they do before its your turn. In general the aggro players are more likely to be the better ones anyway.

All the passive players to your left so you can steal blinds and pots knowing there is little chance they will reraise (unless they have a big hand).
I think instead of just strong vs weak players, you should also try categorise them in terms of aggressiveness as well. All the aggro players should be on your right so you can see what they do before its your turn. In general the aggro players are more likely to be the better ones anyway.

All the passive players to your left so you can steal blinds and pots knowing there is little chance they will reraise (unless they have a big hand).
Great perspective! I think the second placing player isnt as aggressive (and imo not as good) as some of the 4th and 5th ranked players.

I will take aggressiveness into account!

A bad aggro player to your left isn’t a bad thing either as you could let him do the raising and try and get someone else to call and then you can squeeze.

Either way its a huge bonus to be able to pick where everybody sits, use it wisely!
What you really want is the strongest/most aggressive players to be UTG, UTG+1, etc when you are on the button/cutoff. You want the weak/loose/passive players to your right and the tightest players to your left.

With the strongest players in early position when you are in late position, you minimize the number of hands you play together, hey have to open tighter because they are in early position, and they are out of position on the weaker players. You get to take advantage of the weaker/looser players. And when it folds to you pre flop, you have tight players that you get to steal from on your left.
What you really want is the strongest/most aggressive players to be UTG, UTG+1, etc when you are on the button/cutoff. You want the weak/loose/passive players to your right and the tightest players to your left.

With the strongest players in early position when you are in late position, you minimize the number of hands you play together, hey have to open tighter because they are in early position, and they are out of position on the weaker players. You get to take advantage of the weaker/looser players. And when it folds to you pre flop, you have tight players that you get to steal from on your left.
Wow! Yes! I love it.

Great perspective! I really like it. Instead of having the biggest threat immediately to my right, I will put him three to my left! I really like this idea,

Thanks Legend5555!
What you really want is the strongest/most aggressive players to be UTG, UTG+1, etc when you are on the button/cutoff. You want the weak/loose/passive players to your right and the tightest players to your left.

With the strongest players in early position when you are in late position, you minimize the number of hands you play together, hey have to open tighter because they are in early position, and they are out of position on the weaker players. You get to take advantage of the weaker/looser players. And when it folds to you pre flop, you have tight players that you get to steal from on your left.

Why would you want the best player 3 seats behind you? Yes when they are in EP you will have position but it means that for the other half of the orbit, they have position on you.
Why would you want the best player 3 seats behind you? Yes when they are in EP you will have position but it means that for the other half of the orbit, they have position on you.
I think he’s right. You’re always in hands with the players nearest you. I don’t want to always be in hands with the best player at the table, even if I have position on him.
Why would you want the best player 3 seats behind you? Yes when they are in EP you will have position but it means that for the other half of the orbit, they have position on you.
But the same logic applies in reverse, when they have the button/cutoff, you are in early position. So your raises will in their garner more folds from the good player as they understand you range is stronger.

Loose/bad players to your right
Tight players to your left
Good players as far away as possible
Are there stats anywhere on what % of hands certain positions play together? I would guess the most frequent configuration is CO/BTN vs BB, but I'm not sure after that. Probably try to position yourself such that you're playing most of your hands against the weaker players.
Are there stats anywhere on what % of hands certain positions play together? I would guess the most frequent configuration is CO/BTN vs BB, but I'm not sure after that. Probably try to position yourself such that you're playing most of your hands against the weaker players.
Well of course this is the goal,

But is that placing the weaker players to my immediate right? Or should I place them to my left and attack their blinds?
Seems to be a bit of contention here.

I would however agree that the hands are most likely LP vs Blinds.
Well of course this is the goal,

But is that placing the weaker players to my immediate right? Or should I place them to my left and attack their blinds?
Seems to be a bit of contention here.

I would however agree that the hands are most likely LP vs Blinds.
In my experience, planning in advance to “attack their blinds” rarely goes well. You have to pay attention to your table and to the situations, and take advantage where you can. But if there’s somebody in your game who won’t defend their blinds, chances are you’re not the only one who’s aware of it.
So maybe that should be your plan - attack the guy who’s going to attack the blinds; 3-bet him relentlessly!!
Boom! Scooby-doo the crap out of them!
You took first in the league, so I say seating shouldn’t matter and you should do a blind draw. That’s how it’s always done at my place, even the championship tourney.

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