100% no shit. Cop said if I had no proof and it was a "he said/she said" case. Thief's parents said it was his bike, they bought it. I said it was my kids bike and I watched him ride off on it. Cop basically told me my only recourse was to steal it back.
So I think you know what needs to be done here,
I'm not going back to detail all the facts, but from memory, Davin was selling them at $225/rack (I know you said your profit was as little as $12/rack, but I'm being irresponsible, here). I'm going to irresponsibly speculate that he paid $1/chip. So a box of 1000 chips was $1,250 in profit to him, less shipping. Call it $1000 (again, admittedly irresponsibly speculating).
@davin has a box worth $1000 profit to him go missing. 6 or 8 months later, someone has what damn sure looks like the missing box. What would your reaction be? Right or wrong, before reading this thread, would your reaction be as calm and thoughtful as some logical posts in this thread? Or would you fire off a PM to
@luv2breformed claiming the chips were stolen from you? Wouldn't you feel a little like
@CraigT78 when he saw another kid riding his kid's bike?!
Unless the chips can be proven to be stolen (and that is still an open question), I think they belong to
@luv2breformed. That said, see @
gavin @davin's actions, especially his initial abuptness/aggressiveness through his eyes.
This is Chris Rock, so duh, NSFW, but if you skip to 3:45, you'll get the point of this post: