Wanted Inexpensive Paulson Denoms 25 and Up (1 Viewer)

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High Hand
Jan 30, 2019
Reaction score
Arvada, CO
Looking for cheap Pualson chips for a tourney set. Looking for 25s to at least 5k. I either want a complete match or each denom a different casino. Any input or offers would be appreciated, thanks.

Inexpensive Paulsons in denoms $100 and up aren't difficult to find but they won't come 'cheap'.

For $25s I might suggest Empress Primaries - they're usually pretty reasonable and not difficult to come by. @Davism72 had some for sale a while back - might want to check with him.
Looking for cheap Pualson chips for a tourney set. Looking for 25s to at least 5k. I either want a complete match or each denom a different casino. Any input or offers would be appreciated, thanks.


Most likely, you will have to find five inexpensive paulson chips you like and work together color/spot wise and then have custom labels made for your set. Like stated above, the higher denom paulsons chips are not usually cheap unless your definition is cheap is different than mine. ;)
Inexpensive Paulsons in denoms $100 and up aren't difficult to find but they won't come 'cheap'.

For $25s I might suggest Empress Primaries - they're usually pretty reasonable and not difficult to come by. @Davism72 had some for sale a while back - might want to check with him.

I've got some Empress secondaries on line Mike, thanks for the heads up!
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