No! A nightmare waiting to happen, .. That doesn't work, & is bad advice in general for someone shipping $1500 worth of stuff in a box..
Someone pays $1500 for nothing that arrived, & then at that point is actually going to agree to "eat" the money? .. When they file with Paypal the seller loses, period.. Which they will do, regardless of what they may have claimed or "didn't realize" to the seller..
As I mentioned earlier, I would definitely think a seller was negligent, if he sent me, or even considered shipping me One Thousand five hundred dollars worth of anything, in a simple "toss it on the steps", no signature uninsured shipping method ..
Simply build it into the sale price .. It's not a big deal to add $2-something for signature & whatever for flat rate insured up front, instead of quibbiling over a few extra bucks after a $1500 sale ..