Introduction ray chippy exbert best chips ever chipes xbert (2 Viewers)


Welcome back, Ray. (y) :thumbsup:
Ray will shit when he sees how much his many chips will fetch now. He had the goods back then...., being a chibes expert and all. Gotta tell you , I thought the bum died on us without parting with anything. I was trying find his daughter to get the chips

yes I had a few in the day lol ........ I remenber you for sure.......... no more chiptalk look like every one over here

ps they are not all gone..., stay tuned for coming chipies

certified chipes xbert. ray
since when did a stack become a barrel
never heard of it back in my day

When was a barrel ever called a stack? That's what I'm trying to figure out lol. I've only been playing in card rooms for 20 years, so my knowledge is limited, but for as long as I've been playing, a barrel always had specific meaning, whereas a stack never has.
I was wondering if this was going to be another regional thing like if the winner of a pot has to show his hand when all other players fold on the river (the correct answer is no by the way ;) ). I have only played poker West of the Rockies in my life and have only heard it called a barrel when you are talking about 20 chips.

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