I have a tournament breakdown of CPC Rounders Chesterfield replicas that have been used exactly once in the last three years. I just don't host enough tournaments to justify using it as frequently as I want to.
Looking to change it to a cash game breakdown so it'll get more use. Looking for $5s, $25s, and $100s. Asking here first so I don't have to order as much from CPC.
screenshot from
If anyone wants to trade 1:1, I have extra $500s and $1000s. These were oiled and used either once or never.
Looking to change it to a cash game breakdown so it'll get more use. Looking for $5s, $25s, and $100s. Asking here first so I don't have to order as much from CPC.
screenshot from
If anyone wants to trade 1:1, I have extra $500s and $1000s. These were oiled and used either once or never.