Found Jack Detroit 500 (primary), 1,000 (primary), 5,000 (primary) (2 Viewers)

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3 of a Kind
Jan 28, 2019
Reaction score
Saint Louis, MO
As it bothers me when people don't post what they would like to offer for chips that they want, I will post my pricing that I would like to pay :)

If I get no offers coming in, I will adjust.

Wanting JACK casino chips in the following quantities:

Looking for:
20 x $500 primaries (offering $150/barrel shipped)
10 x $1,000 primaries (offering $240/barrel shipped) - Thank you @BGinGA
15 x $1,000 primaries (offering $240/barrel shipped) - Thank you @auto
10 x $5,000 primaries (offering $360/barrel shipped) - Thank you @power13
11 x $5,000 primaries (offering $360/barrel shipped) - Thank you @auto
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Received an offer for 10 x $5,000 primaries. I would prefer a barrel, if anyone has one. If someone else has a half-barrel, that would work as well.
I've also received an offer for 10 x $500 primaries. I would prefer a barrel, if anyone has one. If someone else has a half-barrel, that would work as well.
I have a half-barrel of $1000 chips if needed.
@power13 For some reason, the feedback dropdown for the last 3 transactions is coming up blank, even though you just replied. Something may be quirky with my work PC. If I am unable to do so from my home PC tonight, I will send PCF support a message to see what I can do to troubleshoot. A+ seller, btw. Thanks.
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