SOLD KNOLLWOODS Poker Room sample sets (1 Viewer)

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4 of a Kind
Nov 6, 2014
Reaction score
Rating - 100%
43   0   0
Afternoon all,
I have (3) sample sets for sale if anyone is interested.

$17 shipped (US) per set
$29 shipped (international) per set

I know that probably sounds expensive but hey I had to have a level 10 fiver. :LOL: :laugh: Price is based off CPC prices per chip + $2 to ship (US). International orders welcome but it will be $14 to ship (this is what it just cost me to ship a bubble mailer to France). I don't ship overseas often, so if there is a better, cheaper alternative, I am all ears.

CPC chip prices:
$.25 - $1.63
$1 - $2.34
$5 - $3.46
$25 - $3.69
$100 - $3.46

Thanks for looking.


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I would love one too if there's room :)

Turned out awesome BTW ! Definitely HOFers ! Great work
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Balls - late to the party.

Obviously I'm not getting a full set, but would love a single $25 and/or $100 if available. :cool:
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Late to the party too :/. In line if more magically surface. Time for a reorder ;)
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Thanks everyone for the interest. I will see what I have for final numbers tonight. I really appreciate it but I definitely don't have enough to cover every request here. (n) :thumbsdown::sick: I'm blown away by the mean a lot to me.
damnit Alan....!

don't MAss residence get any priority??

put me down as a back up to the back up to the next in line!
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Too bad way too late to the party... Will definitely take one set if you would order add-on :)
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Looks like it is time for an add-on set just to cover all the sample sets wanted :D

Late to the party too :/. In line if more magically surface. Time for a reorder ;)

These are fantastic! Wish you had a bigger set!

Mark me down as interested as well if any other samples are offered or an add-on is done. Those are some kinda sexy.:cool:

Too bad way too late to the party... Will definitely take one set if you would order add-on :)

I do believe I am hooked on customs now and will most likely be selling the rest of my Flamingos and PCA quarters in order to fund more CPCs. So addicting like everything else around here.
Said it very long ago that these were HOF material. Glad to get a sample set of these.
Thank you Mike. I'm very appreciative of those words man! I hope you like 'em.
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