Found Lake Elsinore $100s - 6-8 singles (older version) (1 Viewer)

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Full House
Jun 19, 2020
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Still looking but closing down this thread to make a swap thread and will just include these in that. I will mark this as "found" if that changes.

Looking for 6 to 8 single Lake Elsinore $100s to complete a barrel. Would prefer to buy in one lot if possible.

I am only after the older version (cog-inlay preferred), which you can see below on the left by their higher degree of "graininess" once cleaned, whereas the newer ones are basically pure white all the way through and in superior condition. (*Edit - The new hundos pictured have already been traded.) Happy to decipher in PMs/pictures since I don't have an edge picture of them on hand.

I'm also going to try and trade new $25s for old $25s shortly after this, so I'm happy to discuss those as well.

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I have some of the $100s you're looking for, open to trade for $25s?

Reiman2 IMG_2636 copy.jpg
i have 10 grainy willing to trade for 10 white
Thank you. This thread was made after my initial "big" swap of LE chips (which just wrapped up this morning), so all of my "new" conditioned chips are gone besides new $25s that I could not complete in that. I'd love to be able to trade new hundos for old but I simply do not have them anymore, which is why I can only offer to buy singles at this time.
Couple more bumps before I shut this one down and move on to some final denom-swapping.
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