Wanted Leaded thc 25s with shaped inlays (1 Viewer)

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By far my fav

20180421_154407.jpg20180421_154157.jpgPBCL 25.jpg

I don't know if these are leaded but pretty awesome. I don't have any though :(
What happened to the hoard?!

I sold my last 3 racks to @Aplusent. They are great chips but the frustrating thing is you can't build a playable set without relabeling other chips. To be honest I don't like the 5's. If you kept the original 25s and 100s and then relabelled other chips for 1's and 5's this set could be amazing.

Getting 1's and 5's in quantity that are original (I mean like not relabeled) is more or less impossible.

PS. If anyone has a single PBCL 1$ chip please let me know. I will pay whatever...
It is interesting how so many wet chips have a similar spot pattern and the hexagon inlay. I feel like generally that spot pattern and inlay shape are not common.
PCA & Aztar come to mind (all have same hexagon inlay)

Both chips are awsome, fantastic colors base & spots... spot pattern works with most spot progressions
Old school leaded THC. & available mint (at a cost) doesn't get much better then these
Might not be bright enough for you but I have a rack of Aruba Palm Beach 25s I could let go.
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