Last night, maybe 8pm CST (so 9pm Nashville time) I see a set of 500 Viva Las Vegas Paulsons on Letgo for $100. Immediately contact the seller and ask about shipping to Wisconsin. They said cash only and were adamant that it was like ASAP.
I frantically start looking for people I might know in the area. My girlfriend's ex-boyfriend's family is there and after a weird mix of texts and calls they agree to have the seller deliver the chips there but I'd have to pay for it somehow. The seller agrees to accept $100 via Western Union (which I have never done in my life), and after paying a $17 fee on a $100 transfer the money is sent.
The weirdness continues as I try to text on Letgo or to their phone number with very few responses. When I call, I get a rough sounding man who answers everytime (a couple times telling me he's gonna beat the ass of whoever is calling before transferring me to a nicer woman). It keeps getting later and later and
@Poker Zombie (the hero of our story) replies to me that the chips could be delivered to his fire station.
After having spoken to the seller on the phone I decide delivery to a fire station in the middle of the night sounds a lot safer than delivery to the home of an elderly couple. I text and text and call with no response (probably annoying PZ as he waits for no one to show). Finally, I accept that I was scammed and go to bed. I get up early for work (which is when I posted the warning) and decided that my best course of action is for
@Poker Zombie to try to pretend to be another buyer figuring that even if I'm out $200 it is well worth it for these chips.
He messages them early this morning and I go a long time with no response. Finally, the seller messages me about noon or so here and says they'll meet PZ about a half hour from where he lives. PZ graciously agrees to drive out to get them (my financial bribe to him may or may not have had an impact). He arrives, meets a nice man with a neck tattoo, and collects the chips.
Needless to say, this is just another example of why this is such a great community. And it should also go without saying that if anyone needs any help in the MN, WI, IL area I'm always happy to help.