Looking for advice on used chips (1 Viewer)


New Member
Apr 1, 2024
Reaction score
houston, tx
Hi, I'm looking to get ~200 chips for playing board games and I'm trying to figure out if getting them used is a viable option.

My last post got removed, so I'm omitting some details, but I've generally liked the colorful chips like dias de los muertos and tiki kings as well as some of the stuff I've seen from apache. Do people have advice on other sources that look interesting and permit for a relatively low quantity?
Here are some Monopoly chips you can order.




  • IMG_2759.jpeg
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At the custom chip level, the price per chip definitely gets pricier than I'd like to go - I'm still new to this, give me a couple months before I dive head first haha!
As others will tell you, start with some samples. There are a lot of options but the ones that are best for you will be the ones the look, sound and feel the best to you. So, start with some samples.

Oh, and welcome to the forum!
As others will tell you, start with some samples. There are a lot of options but the ones that are best for you will be the ones the look, sound and feel the best to you. So, start with some samples.
Meh. Go head first, get some Tigers, murder TF out of them and never look back.

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