Trade Looking for Aztar MO primary $100s. Offering Kings International Aruba $100s or cash. (1 Viewer)

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Full House
Sep 27, 2020
Reaction score
Cologne, Germany
I tried the kings hundos with my set and they are freaking beautiful.
Unfortunately they are also minty which is nice by itself but doesn't match the rest of the set and the difference in stack heights tilts me.

I contacted @liftapint as the leading authority in BOH and we came to the conclusion that there is no better candidate than the Aztar MO to finish the set off in style.

I do own 10 of those already so I only need half a barrel to be a happy camper!

The kings barrel is available for trades or I can straight up buy the missing Aztars, whatever is needed to make the set happen.

Reach out to me and I'm sure we can figure something out.
Ok, one whole day without a bump should be enough to get you guys interested in my project again.

Still needing 10 measly chips for completion.

Will take a whole barrel and I offer cash as well.
I wish I had 10 of these to send you to finish off this awesome set. Unfortunately, I have exactly zero :(

Good luck finding them. You're so close!
I wish I had 10 of these to send you to finish off this awesome set. Unfortunately, I have exactly zero :(

Good luck finding them. You're so close!
You or anybody else sympathizing with me don't happen to have any of these?
  • PCA $500 (I'd take primary or secondary)
  • Joker's Wild $5, $20
  • Binion's T5 (rack only)
I have a lead on a gazillion of those Aztar $100s but the owner is only interested in trading since he'd have to split up a set.
if you are selling the king 100s i will take them ( pending price tho )
I've had several people contact me through pm with offers for the kings.
I'm still trying to get a few barrels of boat chips (ESPT 25s) so I'll keep em as trade bait for now. If you or anyone else interested in those Kings has a tip that leads to the capture of said ESPTs, I'll give you first right of refusal on the barrel.

And you guys know I'm serious because I took the time to make this:
espt wanted.jpg
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