Found Looking for CDI98 $500, or shaped-inlays! Will consider any quantity! (1 Viewer)

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Royal Flush
Dec 29, 2017
Reaction score
Burnaby (Greater Vancouver), BC
I know everybody is trying to hoard cash for the impending chipocalypse that will be the uncirculated Jack's sale, so I'm willing to be a buyer if you've got CDI98s. I'm looking for (in order of importance):
  1. Regular inlay $500s (up to x70)
  2. Regular inlay $25s (up to x47)
  3. Shaped inlay $100's (up to x14)
  4. Shaped inlay $5's (any quantity)
Prefer very good or better condition, but I know beggars should not be choosers. PM me with any details you might have, and post here so we can leave feedback for our deals.
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shaped $5 is a unicorn, would like to have one to add to my set. I did see someone found some (maybe just one) and posted pics, not sure if here or CT.
shaped $5 is a unicorn, would like to have one to add to my set. I did see someone found some (maybe just one) and posted pics, not sure if here or CT.

@kaimat just sold me a handful. I can get you one, no problem. Looking for more may be just wishful thinking, but what is a man without his dreams? ;)
"Hello, again! Fellow James Bond fan and CDI98 collector here, looking to see if I can complete a couple barrels of chips. I'm looking for:

Shaped inlay $25's (x3)
Shaped inlay $100's (x14)
Shaped inlay $5's (any quantity)
Regular inlay $500's (any odd quantity up to a full rack)
Feel free to PM me with any offers on odd quantities you might have lying around. Prefer very good or better condition, but I know beggars should not be choosers."

FYP :whistle: :whistling:

Official reply here too :tup:! Glad I could help.... and thank you for returning the favor! Love your reference to the Jacks....Lotsa cash being raised.....
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