Canceled Looking for Paulson solids for a roulette set (1 Viewer)

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Aug 26, 2017
Reaction score
Rating - 100%
79   0   0
Ultimately I'm looking for 7 colors 200 each that will be mold matching. Please let me know what you have (or any leads to who may have). Nice condition preferred. Any other nice chips (non Paulson) considered.
CPC is my back up plan for sure. Being a newby I'm not checked out on T-molds.
CPC is my back up plan for sure. Being a newby I'm not checked out on T-molds.

not sure what they have left for quantity or colors, but check out hold em poker chips. I think there were also some in the classifieds not too long ago.
This has Starburst written all over it. Paulson THC mold, available in lots of colors, relatively available, not crazy priced.
Here are the color that are left. Still 7 chips with at least 200 left, but 2 of them are Reds.

Not opposed at all if I can eventually get 6-7 different colors of the same mold.
I've got two roulette lots - I'd prefer to have just one. If you'd consider Abiatti cheques please let me know. I've got seven+ colors of each.
BCC T-mold blanks would be a no-brainer decision to me for your application. Great chips, great price. Can even have them hot-stamped later if desired.
I have 200 Horizon Blue T-molds.... not blanks, but no denoms either. Very similar pricing applies :)
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