Wanted Looking to build Paulson Horseshoe Cincinnati secondary set (1 Viewer)

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Apr 7, 2016
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Looking to build a set of 500 secondary chips of various balanced denominations, of Paulson Horseshoe Cincinatti chips. Definitely willing to check out different designs. If any has a set available at a reasonable price (Yes, I do realize even reasonable is pretty high for Paulsons) please hit me up and I would love to take a look. Thanks.

*Update* Chips acquired. Here's the remainder of what I need:

5 denomination - 120

25 denomination - 51

100 denomination - 13

500 denomination - 26
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Don't you have a set up for grabs
Thanks for the name drop! I have a tournament set up for sale right now (see below). If it tickles your fancy @RagahRagah PM me. If you’re looking for cash sets I can’t help you but best of luck on the search!
Thanks for the name drop! I have a tournament set up for sale right now (see below). If it tickles your fancy @RagahRagah PM me. If you’re looking for cash sets I can’t help you but best of luck on the search!
View attachment 311866

I did see this set. Looks very nice, however I definitely want set with denominations of five.
What's your desired breakdown? Knowing what you're looking for would be helpful. Also, if a set is missing some of what you need you could just supplement from the Chip Exchange sale thread. That's what I did with my horseshoe cash set. Bought from various users (25s are actually from @ReallyGoodUsername) but the 5s were from the Chip Exchange.

What's your desired breakdown? Knowing what you're looking for would be helpful. Also, if a set is missing some of what you need you could just supplement from the Chip Exchange sale thread. That's what I did with my horseshoe cash set. Bought from various users (25s are actually from @ReallyGoodUsername) but the 5s were from the Chip Exchange.

View attachment 311895

Someone already sold me some. They were Horseshoe Cincinnati chips so I'm going to want the rest to be as well to round out my set. So here's what I still need at this point:

5 denomination - 120

25 denomination - 51

100 denomination - 13

500 denomination - 26
Just go to the "chip exchange" and check the active thread...

You can buy EXACTLY what you need.

Yeah, I know. However, I already purchased some from someone who is willing to sell them for less than what chip exchange was asking, so in the meantime I figured I would see if I can find more people willing to do that before I jump on anything.
Probably good to state whether you are looking for primaries or secondaries. Or post of pic of your current set so we know what chips you are looking for.
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