Wanted Looking to start building a Cleveland HS set and some Paulson Classics $10's (1 Viewer)

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High Hand
Jul 11, 2018
Reaction score
cleveland, ohio
Okay, so after lurking around for a bit, I think I would like to try to start building a set of Cleveland HS chips... seeing as I am from Cleveland and all. I am probably going to build slowly, but would like to get an idea for prices here on the forum and whatnot... I might only do this a barrel at a time, but would be open to a rack if the price is right (sorry, not much money to spare at the moment). Secondaries would be nice, but primaries will probably fit my budget better :/

What I am interested in:
Cleveland HS ($5, $25, $100, and maybe a few $500's & $1000)
Paulson Classics $10 (the royal blue ones)

I want the classics just because they are probably my favorite looking chip so far... secondary would be preferable, but would consider primaries.

please shoot me a PM or post here if you have any up for sale.

Thanks in advance!!!
Hi There,

What stakes are you playing? Generally speaking the $10 chip is not used or necessary. Do you plan to mix the Paulson Classic in with the HS set? If that is your plan then please don't do it :)

You may want to post exactly how many of each denom you are after. For example 1 rack of 5's and 2 racks of 1's or what have you.

Buying by the barrel will get expensive when you pay freight for each individual shipment. Probably best to buy at least by the full rack.

There are plenty of Cleveland chips floating around so you should be able to find what you are looking for.

Good Luck!
FWIW, I run across Cleveland Horseshoe chips all the time on eBay. Haven’t really looked at the prices, as they aren’t my thing. Maybe there is a current drought, but they seem sure to return if so.
They Horseshoe Cleveland didn't have secondary $5's, only primaries.
You can search the classifieds here to get an idea for appropriate pricing, but keep in mind that the supply for these chips is high and the demand is low, so however much people want for them, you can probably get them cheaper.
Ty for your input!

In regards to the paulson classics 10s, i really want some on the side just to have, not to mix with the HSs :)

Still looking for more prices! Got some ideas from a member though!
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