Two years ago I took my mixed casino THC set to a friends house for a going away party. She was leaving for LA, and specifically requested that I host a poker event at her going away party. I knew, and had played poker with, most of the people at the party, so I took some good stuff.
Everything went fine at the party and many drinks were had. After the tournament finished up, a few folks helped me get the chips back in the racks. I wasn't in the best condition to do a thorough rack check so I just loaded up all of the racks and got a ride home.
About a month later, I'm getting the set out for my game and I notice I'm short an Empress $500. Crap. Was it there the last time I played? I think so. It's not something I'm going to start calling people up over, so I just let it slide and hope it turns up.
Well, two years later it never turned up and it was starting to really bug me. I was about to put a WTB out or post in the complete my rack thread. I went to a party a few weeks ago and the person who left for LA was there. I greeted her and made some small talk before I made my way around the room. Later that afternoon she comes up to me and says "I'm really sorry, but I accidentally put this in my pocket during my going away party." "I've been meaning to give it back to you for a long time!"
It was just by chance that we were at the same place together, so I don't know if she brought it back with the intention of giving it to me, or she was stricken with guilt when she bumped into me again, but I don't care. I got my chipe!
Does anyone else have any lost and found chip stories? I know @Mac128k has a cool story about his dad's chips, and @courage had some chips go missing at a meet up. What's your story?
Everything went fine at the party and many drinks were had. After the tournament finished up, a few folks helped me get the chips back in the racks. I wasn't in the best condition to do a thorough rack check so I just loaded up all of the racks and got a ride home.
About a month later, I'm getting the set out for my game and I notice I'm short an Empress $500. Crap. Was it there the last time I played? I think so. It's not something I'm going to start calling people up over, so I just let it slide and hope it turns up.
Well, two years later it never turned up and it was starting to really bug me. I was about to put a WTB out or post in the complete my rack thread. I went to a party a few weeks ago and the person who left for LA was there. I greeted her and made some small talk before I made my way around the room. Later that afternoon she comes up to me and says "I'm really sorry, but I accidentally put this in my pocket during my going away party." "I've been meaning to give it back to you for a long time!"
It was just by chance that we were at the same place together, so I don't know if she brought it back with the intention of giving it to me, or she was stricken with guilt when she bumped into me again, but I don't care. I got my chipe!
Does anyone else have any lost and found chip stories? I know @Mac128k has a cool story about his dad's chips, and @courage had some chips go missing at a meet up. What's your story?