Found Majestic Tournament Set - Looking to buy or put together my first tourney set (2 Viewers)

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3 of a Kind
Mar 1, 2019
Reaction score
Orange County
Checking in to see if anyone has Majestic chips around that you aren't using anymore... Maybe you just happened upon some Jacks or BTP chips and need to offload some of the lesser stuff?

I am a new chipper and I am trying to put together my first tournament set. I am starting a monthly game for 20-30 players. Looking to start with $5K stacks so primarily interested in $25, $100, $500, $1000 and $5000 chips, but open to sets with other denoms... or plaques

Let me know if you have anything that would work. Thanks for your help!
I probably posted this too late last night for people to notice... Let me know if you have any thoughts for my first tourney set!
This is what I did:


I started with the same thought as you, but it evolved a bit. It's a set to start at 100/200 with 20k stacks that could seat 40 (way beyond my capacity right now). The majestic $100 is gorgeous, especially after you oil it, so I found it a better starting chip than the $25. I did custom $5000 and $10000 with labels from gear. I also bought some plaques and buttons. Both are excellent quality.

I bought some JACKS, but I don't think I'm quite ready to let these go...
Oh man! What a set of chips! So good... love the relabels on the 5k and 10k's... They look great! Did you buy them all new from Apache or did you buy from other PCF members? I would love to put something like that together! Let me know if you are ever ready to let some or all of them go... I would totally be interested! Thanks for sharing!
I relabeled oranges as the 5k's too. Those colors really pop together! At this point, I'm planning on getting some bounty labels for the browns. Also considering a barrel of whites as 10k's or 25k's.

They may be for sale at some point. ;)

Let me know! Set looks great. I am hoping with all the Jacks coming in, somebody is going to want to move an older set to make room...
Let me know! Set looks great. I am hoping with all the Jacks coming in, somebody is going to want to move an older set to make room...
I did't get any Jacks, but I may have something else in the works. PM me if you want more info. You should be able to get a count from the pic, but I'll be glad to get you all the details.
I like the new Royal chips... Not sure I want my lower denoms to be 43mm... Still interested in some Majestics... Someone has to be looking to unload a tourney set??
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