SOLD Many Chip Racks (39mm) (1 Viewer)

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Full House
Nov 6, 2014
Reaction score
St Louis
Rating - 100%
115   0   0
As I've sold a lot of chips, now I need to sell a lot of chip racks. Here's what I've got:

3- Paul-son 24010 racks (John G, TheBigTater if falls thru)
17- 66.7 racks (TheBigTater)
12 Chipco Racks (Spike)

Looking to sell at $2 a rack + actual shipping cost.

Dibs it up, and I'll try to get everything organized!
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Edit: I'll let somebody else have them, I don't really need them or need to spend $14 shipping them
Yes, shipping can be a bummer on these. Best if you buy a whole bunch to make it worth it.
I am interested in the paul sons and the chipcos, are the chipco racks better for worn paulsons? Also I would probably like to get 10 racks or whatever # is the best value for shipping.
All racks are tentatively spoken for via pm. I'll update as soon as I get firm numbers.
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