These chips are pretty great. Usually I'm no fan of oversized inlays but being on the T-mold they won me over. They still stack very well despite the large inlays.
I don't think they are going to see much play so I will offer them up for sale. $500USD shipped to CAN/US (sig option would be a bit more). Either Paypal F&F in USD (can be sent to a US account to save on fees) or e-transfer for Canucks will work.
Breakdown is:
80 x 25
80 x 100
80 x 500
60 x 1000
20 x 5k plaques
I don't think they are going to see much play so I will offer them up for sale. $500USD shipped to CAN/US (sig option would be a bit more). Either Paypal F&F in USD (can be sent to a US account to save on fees) or e-transfer for Canucks will work.
Breakdown is:
80 x 25
80 x 100
80 x 500
60 x 1000
20 x 5k plaques