Wanted MGM Grand - $5 and $25 denomination (1 Viewer)

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Jan 10, 2019
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I recently purchased $1 & $0.25MGM Detroit chips. I want to get 2 racks of $5 chips and a rack of $25 chips. Looking for some help on what could be used to fill this void. The main requirement is that I keep the Lion or the Lion head on the inlay. I would prefer to keep the MGM Grand house mold on the outside for OCD purposes as well. I don't know MGM chips well, anybody that could help lead me to fill this set would be appreciated! Some thoughts on chips that I know very little about.... Does anybody have these in racks?
Chip photos borrowed from https://www.themogh.org/

$5 07634.jpg$5 07691.jpg$5 18837.jpg$5 032438.jpg$5 032439.jpg$5 178721a.jpg$25 018838.jpg$25 039418.jpg$25 063596.jpg

Looking to match these:
MGM First Buy1.jpg
Yes, I am aware that the chips I own are live. I bought them from a member here who harvests them very reasonably. I am working with him to get two more racks. Just looking to top off the higher denom chips with reasonably priced non-live chips.
All of the MGM fives are live chips.
You cold consider relabeling blue MGM Vegas $1’s or MGM Detroit $2.50’s...
I have been told that the original opening $5 for Detroit is no longer live. Are you positive on the statement of all $5s being live?
@guyfleegman I also like the idea of relabeling the MGM blue $1 chip. Struggling with where to work blue into the mix. Was considering looking at live $5 and then maybe make a blue $10?
As far as Detroit goes, the chips are either live or retired, but came out of the casino at face value. Either way, expect to pay at least face value.


From then old building (retired):

(These will cost a fortune. They were oversized baccarat chips and as the story goes, taken off the tables after two days; note the word BACCARAT in the mold)
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I try and grab 5's every time I go to Detroit (which is about once a month). for the most part, they are in pretty bad shape - I have to sort through racks to get good sharp edges and I only find one or two out of a barrel (usually). I did what some of the guys already suggested and got some LV blue 1's and relabelled them as $20.00's. I wanted to keep the MGM mold with my set, but couldn't see myself paying $25.00 a chip for a live $25.00.
@Farcry44 I like that setup and will plan on working the Last Vegas blues into my set. Did Gear do your labels?
@Farcry44 I like that setup and will plan on working the Last Vegas blues into my set. Did Gear do your labels?
Yes sir. Somebody on here (I forget who) was kind enough to harvest some very good condition MGM 1’s and just got the labels done up by Gear. (He had to change them a bit to avoid copyright stuff, plus he was only willing to do it because $20 is not a common denomination. But that’s a conversation for you two to discuss)
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