They have arrived. We are thrilled.
Next project is oiling spree.
Next project is oiling spree.

Careful w/the oil there, boss. The CC chips don't absorb the oil nearly as well as Paulsons. Definitely do what Craig says - wipe'em down with a wet rag first. Even if you like the smell, this will help to remove some of the dust from the chips. Once they're dried, then if you still really want to oil them, use a LIGHT, light coating. Less is more here. If you put on too much, you may find yourself giving them all a bath and starting from scratch (and you wouldn't be the first person on PCF to find themselves in that exact position, either).
More power to you. I couldn't deal with the smell for long before I got the baby oil with fragrance out.
I love the Milanos.
Great setup!
Can I ask where you snagged them? Also, what is your game format?
Yours Looks like the standard "assortment" of denoms that comes with a 1000 chip set. Little late for this go around, but there are vendors that allow you to pick and choose the amounts to better suit your game/setup.
I love the Milano blue colors, but find that the $50 denom fairly worthless. A general chip denom rule of thumb is to have the denoms 4-5x the value of the chips before them. Otherwise you don't get as much bang for your buck, and having chips 2x the value of the lower denom doesn't always "play" well...
Standard can progression for instance .25/1/5/25/100 etc... When people introduce a $10 or $50 chip, it's a sign they're newish to chipping. When I play at a few of my neighborhood games, they often insert unecessary chips into the starting stacks. These just clog up the game.
There are some rare cases, where folks use 10/50 chips in their custom set denoms, but these folks are doing so for specific reasons, and these sets seem to work ok... But it's the exception.
I got my first Milanos from PCM too. Highly recommended.. Even tho the owner is a Vikings fan. Meh.
I might advise some caution in using the same set for both cash and tourney play. Not that your crew is untrustworthy, but simple game security instills confidence. Only exception is if the denoms will NEVER see both formats. I sold off all my Milano cash chips for that very reason.
There are some rare cases, where folks use 10/50 chips in their custom set denoms, but these folks are doing so for specific reasons, and these sets seem to work ok... But it's the exception.
I'd love to see tourney chip progressions standardised to:
10,000 etc
Here's to the 2.5k chip!
Im so jealous. I love new chips. Oiling is half the fun so take it slow in front of the TV. I oiled my Milanos from the get go, no wet rag. They came out perfect. But go light on the oil and keep the oil away from the label. I left them sit for 2 days, turned them over, then another 2 days. No rush at all. Then I wiped them down with a dry towel. At first they will feel too slippery, nearly plasticky like, but once you wear them in, they will sort of return to that clay type texture. The non oiled powdery texture felt the best, but the pop in the colors outweighs that.
The black $100s pop the most. I love that chip.