For Sale Mint Grand Victoria Secondary ($5, $25, $100, $500, $1k) and primary $1k (1 Viewer)

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Two Pair
May 19, 2015
Reaction score
Rating - 100%
27   0   0
Hello again PCF,

I am looking to sell my entire Grand Victoria set, as mentioned in this post. I bought these around the time they were released, and other than the primary $1k chip they are all unused. I bought these at a time where I guess I was planning to be able to accommodate 8 table T1k tournaments, because you never know. Since buying them, I all but stopped hosting tournaments, purchased other (smaller) tournament sets, and moved twice. If they aren’t getting enjoyed by me, they may as well be enjoyed by you! Because this set is rather large, I don’t expect to find a single buyer for it all, so here’s how I’ll break it up. I would like to get the entire set spoken for before committing to sales. I can live with a couple spare racks, but would really prefer not to. Priority will go to those purchasing larger sets. You’ll see discounted prices for larger sets, and closer to market rate for smaller sets. Feel free to add additional chips at the quoted rack rate to your set purchases. These options have been developed to accommodate 10 players for a T1k, allowing for rebuys. You’ll notice that no sets have $1k chips in them. Because these are so scarce (and not entirely essential to host the T1k games), these may be added à la carte. Here’s what’s up for grabs:

Total set: 2,700 chips for $11,000 (14.0625% off of rack rate)

$1k secondaryx100
$1k primaryx100

Option 1: 300 chips for $1,050 (2.3256% off the rack rate)


Option 2: 600 chips for $2,085 (3.0233% off the rack rate)


Option 3: 900 chips for $3,100 (3.876% off of the rack rate)


Option 4: 1200 chips for $4,100 (4.6512% off of the rack rate)


Option 5: 1500 chips for $5,090 (5.3023% off of the rack rate)


Option 6: 1800 chips for $6,060 (6.0465% off of the rack rate)


Option 7: 2100 chips for $7,000 (6.9767% off of the rack rate)


Option 8: 2,400 chips for $7,900 (8.1395% off of the rack rate)


Rack Rate:

$5 - $2/chip
$25 - $2/chip
$100 - $5/chip
$500 - $12/chip
$1k secondary - $25/chip
$1k primary - $15/chip

Shipping and insurance will be at actual cost to the buyer; I will cover any packing materials required. For shipping outside the US, please contact me, as I may not be able to accommodate all international orders. Payment by PayPal F&F, or USPS money order if you so please.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or feedback. Thank you!

Edit: Pics added!


Interest so far:

spike: Option 2 + 20x$1k secondaries + extra 100s and 500s

$5: 600
$25: 700
$100: 450
$500: 150
$1k secondary: 80
$1k primary: 100
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I am interested in option 2 plus a barrel of 1k secondaries. Also would be down for extra 100s or 500s if they are available at the end.
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