SOLD Miscellaneous chips for sale (CPS, PCF ceramic, PGI CC) (1 Viewer)

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Aug 13, 2013
Reaction score
Harrisburg, PA
Rating - 100%
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Time to clean up my basement, I have chips sitting around that will never be used. Let me know if your interested in anything I have here. I can take more pictures if needed, but I am horrible at taking pictures so using the search function will probably get you better pictures. I am open to offers if my pricing if off.

First up: CPS chips like new, I don' think they were ever used in a game.


150 - Blue $500 chip, original label switched when I replaced these chips with the chip on to the right.
50 - of the these $500 chips
50 - yellow $20 chips
Would like to sell all of these together $100 + shipping, not sure they would be worth the shipping charges in smaller quantities.

Second set: PCF Tournament chips - I think these were used in one or two games, they are like new


395 total chips (120 - 25s, 120 - 100s, 80 - 500s, 60 - 1000s, 10 - 5000s, 5 - 25,000s)
This can handle a single table 10,000 starting stacks (12,12,,7,5)
Looking to sell as a set $200 + shipping

Third set:
My first semi custom set from PGI - China Clay and labels can be removed, Purchased back in 2010ish. These have seen some play over the years in a monthly game but are not noticeably worn. These have not been used the last couple of years. (NOTE: Some people have reported flaking, I have a few of the 100's that have a few pieces missing but overall seem to be in good shape). I can take more pictures if your interested, pictures here were taken this morning of random chips. I also have more details pictures if your interested.


800+ chips, I can get exact counts of each, I know I have at least the numbers listed below + a few more
(160 - 25s, 160 - 50s, 300 - 100s, 120 - 500s, 70 - 1000s)
Not sure what these are worth - $200 + shipping for the set

Fourth set:
Casino 13g set with custom label that can be removed. Honestly not sure what to do with these, if your interested make me an offer. They are just taking up space for me, hoping somebody can use them.


Set of 500 ( 200 - $.25, 200 - $1, 50 - $5, 50 - $10)
Yea, I had no idea what I was doing here. Lets just say I have learned a lot over the years :)
New prices: Not sure I will go much lower, I will give these to friends or put them back on the shelf if nobody is interested at these prices.
Set 1 - 250 CPS chips - $75+shipping (30¢/chip)
Set 2 - 395 PCF tournament chips - $160+shipping (40¢/chip)
Set 3 - 800 PGI china clay - $160+shipping (20¢/chip)
I am assuming they will fit in a USPS large flat rate box, I think they are $18.95
Yes, I bought the chips and labels from PGI in two orders. First order was 2010 I think and then added on a few more maybe 2012. They were used in a monthly game for about 5 years, I don't think they have been used in the last 2-3 years.

I have a small game, just a single table so they were never all on the table at the same time.
Sets 2,3,and 4 are now sold! Maybe I will stick the CPS chip back on the shelf for now.
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