I've been curious about the Motor City Quarters and why they are in existence. I assume it would cost the casino much more to buy them than they are worth. What are they used for in the casino? It's just odd these days for a casino to have a $0.25 frac. It seems like the casino would be ultra protective of them.
That being said, I would love to have a couple of racks of them to relabel for my Grand Victoria secondary set. The chip color seems to match the spot color of the secondary $5. The price is way over my head though for fracs. I'd love to be able to get to that casino and take a couple of racks!

That being said, I would love to have a couple of racks of them to relabel for my Grand Victoria secondary set. The chip color seems to match the spot color of the secondary $5. The price is way over my head though for fracs. I'd love to be able to get to that casino and take a couple of racks!