SOLD MSK $20 plaques (1 Viewer)

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Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
Rating - 100%
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For sale 20 MSK $20 plaques. They are in mint condition. $6 each plus shipping

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I’ll take them if they aren’t sold. Let me know the total and your PayPal info.
Poop. I was PMing same time you posted @Norman . I will defer to @Lars and no hard feelings either way. Not sure which came through first. I would split and take x10 plaques if everyone was interested in that.
Poop. I was PMing same time you posted @Norman . I will defer to @Lars and no hard feelings either way. Not sure which came through first. I would split and take x10 plaques if everyone was interested in that.

I have NOT heard anything from @Lars concerning this offer...I am still interested, but still waiting!
Sounds fair to me!
I think I was PMing back and forth before you posted, but you committed right before I did via PM. So technically, I think they are yours to take or refuse. So if you want all 20, go for it. If you are ok with splitting I would be happy with 10 plaques if @Lars is willing to ship twice.
I think I was PMing back and forth before you posted, but you committed right before I did via PM. So technically, I think they are yours to take or refuse. So if you want all 20, go for it. If you are ok with splitting I would be happy with 10 plaques if @Lars is willing to ship twice.

I told him I would split them with you and also buy some $5 that he has, but I have not heard back from him at this point...still waiting!
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