Looking to round out my Summerlin roulette set with some cash chips. Had the opportunity to use them hosting a party the other night but found that some cash chips would have been a huge help as the 160 of each color could go quickly if someone got lucky. I have 9 racks of the $25 chip and would like to trade for any casino BJ S2 5's and 100s. I dont need 9 racks of 25s.
Also would like suggestions on cash chips at a roulette table. I was thinking 3 racks of 5s, 2 racks of 25s and 1 rack of 100s. Also was curious if theres any point to have a regular 1 dollar chip as I have 400 of those.
I welcome your suggestions and comments.
Whats a fair trade? How many of each denomination is appropriate?
Also would like suggestions on cash chips at a roulette table. I was thinking 3 racks of 5s, 2 racks of 25s and 1 rack of 100s. Also was curious if theres any point to have a regular 1 dollar chip as I have 400 of those.
I welcome your suggestions and comments.
Whats a fair trade? How many of each denomination is appropriate?