Found My ES $1 for your HS Cleveland $500 secondaries (1 Viewer)

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Royal Flush
May 29, 2013
Reaction score
Looking for 1 rack of minty Horseshoe Cleveland $500 secondaries. Will buy or trade.

For trade bait, I have:
300 x ES $1
300 x New China $1 TRK
60 x AS T25000

We can work out cash considerations for any trade.
I got one rack, thanks @StackemHigh !!

I think I'd probably be willing to trade for a second rack. If you have one and want to trade, hit me up!
Curious what you're planning to do with those, Mel. :p

They are glorious chips indeed.
Curious what you're planning to do with those, Mel. :p

They are glorious chips indeed.

I've finally decided to own a RHC set. It will be a mixed casino "black label" 2-table tourney set. So far, I'm going with HS Cinci $25s and $100s, HS Clev $500s, and I hope to finish it off with Jack's $1k and $5k. Colors should be great. :) Don't really need a second rack of $500s, I suppose. But I love that chip, and more=better.
I've finally decided to own a RHC set. It will be a mixed casino "black label" 2-table tourney set. So far, I'm going with HS Cinci $25s and $100s, HS Clev $500s, and I hope to finish it off with Jack's $1k and $5k. Colors should be great. :) Don't really need a second rack of $500s, I suppose. But I love that chip, and more=better.

Awesome idea!! The set will look great for sure...
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