Wanted National Poker Series: 100's (only need 8 chips) (1 Viewer)

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Straight Flush
Mar 8, 2018
Reaction score
Zurich, Switzerland
Still looking to scrape together 8x NPS 100's in excellent condition. Will pay above market value for these last 8 chips (or buy barrels or more depending on what you need to sell).

Shipping to Switzerland (can also provide a Canadian address if that's easier).

Thanks for the help!

NPS 100.jpg
Bump for the weekend.

Just need 8 little chips. (but would buy MOAR, obviously! :D)
I have 1 has been used as shuffler, would need bit cleaning. Can bring to Swiss meet-up if you still need it then
No answer from @Mike mac, but he's listed his NPS for trade, so I'll assume that's a no go there.

Alas, still on the search for 8x NPS 100's to complete my set. :whistle: :whistling:
Thanks for checking @Paulo. If you feel like going out of your way to ship three chips, I’d happily take them. If not, no worries!

In the meantime, BUMP.

Willing to pay above normal market price just so I can finally finish this set! Just need 8!!! :whistle: :whistling:
Shipping them overseas to you; plus paying top dollar for three chips. Hmmmm how much are you thinking??
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