Found Need 100 Day Green THC solids (1 Viewer)

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Full House
Jul 2, 2018
Reaction score
West Chester, PA
Looking for 100 mint/nm day green THC's for a re-label project. I would prefer they all came from the same lot for color consistency.
After a little research, it looks like I'm searching for...
Vegas World $25 hotstamp
Pink Pussycat $2 hotstamp
Grand Casino Biloxi $25 hotstamp

I may have a line on some, but until that happens, I am interested in other offers.

If you know of any other day green solids, I can use all the knowledge you are willing to impart. Thanks
I don't have Day Green in the condition you're looking for, but I can put together an excellent rack of Dark Green solids that would be suitable for milling and relabeling. I have a Paulson colour sample so I can vouch for their consistency. Let me know if you are interested.
I'm doing a very bright, high contrast tournament set with arc yellow, fuschia, dark blue, aqua and...I have some orange chips, but think they are too close in color to the arc yellows (pics don't do those chips justice!). I think the day greens would be perfect for a $25. The dark greens just wouldn't pop. Too close to the dark blue. Thanks for the response.
The Vegas World $25 (or 6.25 in cash...a great unique chip) are normally heavily used as they were given out for promotions. Have never seen a mint rack...though the racks I have seen a pretty good with full hotstamp.

Sherbet Green, Munzell Green and Pale Green might also work. Need 4 barrels minimum, but will take more...
Your call but I’ll ask anyway, please don’t mill Vegas World chips.
Not looking to mill anything special, wouldn't mill the Pussycats either. More for color reference. I would prefer some generic sunbursts...
I might have you covered iff you can use rhc chips.
Thanks, but I'm going to hold out for THCs for now. Did you ever get a chance to look for those $20s or Vegas World sample set?
Here are a few pics of the rack of green roulette's - it's close to Indian Blue, but maybe just a little lighter. Many of the hotstamps do have a tiny bit of an edge or ridge on the outside of them, so I'm not sure labeling straight on top of them would work without a little scraping or sanding.

Let me know if you're interested.

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